New Directives: Parcel Quit Rent for Stratified Properties in Kuala Lumpur

New directives on parcel quit rent for stratified properties

The Strata Titles (Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur) Rules 2019 (P.U. (A) 282) and Appointment of Date of Coming into Operation of Rent of Parcel or Provisional Block (P.U. (B) 380) have gazetted on 15 Oct 2019 and 8 Aug 2019 respectively.

Starting from 1st Jan 2020, parcel quit rent will be charged on each strata title. The parcel quit rent bill for 2020 will be available for viewing starting December 2019 in PPTG WPKL website but the payment on the bill can only be made starting from 1st January 2020.

Starting in the year 2020, law firms are expected to submit the following additional documents for the purpose of presentation in the relevant Land Office:

If the Joint Management Body/Management Corporation has been established:

(a) the latest payment slip of the Quit Rent charges by the Management Corporation;

(b) A letter of confirmation from the Management Corporation confirming that there are no arrears of quit rent; and

(c) A statutory declaration by the transferee confirming particulars of the relevant parcel, and undertaking to pay the arrears of quit rent for that parcel, if any.

If the Joint Management Body/Management Corporation has not been established:

(a) A statutory declaration from each transferee and transferor confirming particulars of the relevant parcel, his/her knowledge that there is no functioning JMB/MC and that there are arrears of quit rent in respect of the master title and provides an undertaking to pay the arrears of quit rent of that parcel, if any.

It must be noted that the statutory declaration is only required for the presentation for registration of any transfer and sale of stratified properties in Kuala Lumpur. The statutory declaration is not required to be stamped and no filing fee is payable.

We understand that PPTG WPKL will be issuing a circular (together with a sample of the required statutory declarations) on this matter shortly. Some of the procedures set out above may be subject to further revision by PPTG WPKL.

We will update everyone in due course.